

aberrantBlood?: IRGB
aberrantLoot?: ICreatureLoot[]
aberrantWeight: number
acceptedItems?: (ItemType | ItemTypeGroup)[]
ai: AiType
allowedCommands?: AiType[]

If set, creature will only listen to certain commands.

alwaysAllowCommands?: boolean

When true, the player will always be able to command the creature, regardless of their taming skill.

blood?: IRGB
canOpenDoors?: boolean

True if the creature can open doors

canTrample?: boolean
causesStatus?: (StatusType | [status: StatusType, level: number])[]
chanceOfScarecrowScare?: number

The chance (for example, 0.25) it will be scared from a scarecrow (in a radius) when moving minus how close it is to the scarecrow (calculated in checkCreatureMove). Also, the chance it will not spawn in the radius of one. If set to 1, it will never move close to a scarecrow when visible to it and it will never spawn in view of one.

damageOnPour?: boolean

If true, creature takes damage when you pour water/milk on it

damageType: DamageType
defense: Defense
despawnInDayLight?: boolean

Despawn the creature when it's day in the overworld

disableHitching?: boolean
extraDespawnChance?: number

Extra chance for random despawns

fishable?: boolean
hasProduce?: true | ((creature: default) => number)

If true, this creature will get the "produce" stat. If it's a function, the result value will be the change timer.

helpPlants?: boolean
isTall?: boolean
jumpOver?: boolean
lightColor?: IRGB
lightSource?: boolean
loot?: ICreatureLoot[]
lootGroup?: LootGroupType
makeNoise?: boolean
maxatk: number
maxhp: number
minatk: number
minhp: number
modIndex?: number

Do not provide or modify this value, only reference it. This is set by the modding system during the process of registration.

moveType: MoveType
noCage?: boolean

If set to true, they cannot be caged.

noCorpse?: boolean
noSplash?: boolean

If true, this creature will not create puddles when walking in water.

noStumble?: boolean
onDamaged?: ((creature: default, damageInfo: IDamageInfo, attackOutcome: number) => void)

Type declaration

    • (creature: default, damageInfo: IDamageInfo, attackOutcome: number): void
    • Called when the creature is damaged


      Returns void

onDeath?: ((creature: default, damageTile: default, damageInfo: IDamageInfo) => void)

Type declaration

onStatChange?: ((creature: default, stat: IStat, oldValue: number, info: IStatChangeInfo<any>) => void)

Type declaration

particlesOnMove?: boolean
particlesOnSpawn?: boolean
passable?: boolean
pettingCausesBurns?: boolean

If true, creature burns you when you pet it

preventRelease?: boolean

Prevents release the creature from its tamed state

preventSpawnZs?: Set<WorldZ>

Prevents the creature from spawning for the provided WorldZ's

providesFire?: boolean
reputation: number
scareDuringDayLight?: boolean

Change ai to be scared when it's day in the overworld

skipMovementChance?: number

A percentage number for the amount of time the creature should skip movement 100 means the creature always skips their movement

spawn?: OptionalDescriptions<BiomeType, ICreatureSpawn>
spawnAnimation?: boolean
spawnGroup?: OptionalDescriptions<BiomeType, SpawnGroup[]>
spawnTiles: TileGroup
specialAbility?: ((creature: default, enemy: undefined | default | default<number>, bypass?: boolean) => boolean)

Type declaration

    • (creature: default, enemy: undefined | default | default<number>, bypass?: boolean): boolean
    • Called when performing special abilities


      True when an ability was performed


      Returns boolean

specialAttack?: {
    doSpecialAttack: ((creature: default, enemy: default | default<number>) => boolean);
    shouldSpecialAttack: ((creature: default, specialAttackChanceMultiplier: number) => boolean);

Special attack stuff

Type declaration

  • doSpecialAttack: ((creature: default, enemy: default | default<number>) => boolean)
      • (creature: default, enemy: default | default<number>): boolean
      • Called when special attacking


        True when nothing else should be done after the special attack


        Returns boolean

  • shouldSpecialAttack: ((creature: default, specialAttackChanceMultiplier: number) => boolean)
      • (creature: default, specialAttackChanceMultiplier: number): boolean
      • Called when checking if a special attack should be called


        True when special attack should be called


        • creature: default
        • specialAttackChanceMultiplier: number

        Returns boolean

speed?: number
stokingRestoresHealth?: boolean

If true, stoking restores the creatures hp a bit

tamingDifficulty?: number
teleportMovement?: boolean

True if the creature moves around by teleporting through time AND space

temperature?: number

The produced temperature of this object — objects whose temperature affects surrounding objects. A number between Temperature.Coldest and Temperature.Hottest. When not provided, Temperature.Neutral is used.

texOffsetY?: number
tileMissChance?: OptionalDescriptions<TileGroup, number>
waste?: IWaste
waterAnimations?: boolean
weight: number

The weight of the creature when placed inside a cage (or something else in the future?).

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